Having already dealt with Jim Perrin’s false and unworthy claims that he had no money because ‘he had spent it all on Jacquetta’, we have also shown in the recent sequence of posts how he had planned to take over the tenancy of her house — telling her children within only a day or two of her death that it was his intention to do so: and, in the years before he was involved with Jac, and since May 2005, he has (we know) used various tactics with several young women to relieve them of their funds and property. (Here it is appropriate to mention that there would be no way we could write this if we did not have absolute proof… )
In our view it is shameful that some who know of this aspect of Jim Perrin’s history (themselves having influence) choose to ignore it; it is almost to condone his behaviour; the behaviour which has hurt so many and caused such heartache: ‘Silence gives consent’.
Thus we feel it is useful (and many have also told us so) that Jim Perrin’s way of conducting himself over the years, and more recently, should be brought to the attention of anyone who may in their turn risk becoming a victim as did our sister. If we have in the process hurt his would-be spotless reputation that is perhaps unfortunate but since writing these posts about her we have been told that it was not the first time that Jim Perrin had attempted — by various means — to use the assets of his partners: in our opinion he has so successfully perfected the technique by which he compartmentalises his relationships that of the young women involved each was, until later, unaware of his machination. ‘What cannot a neat knave with a smooth tale make a woman believe?’ * Continue reading