At first, after reading the lies in West, we reviewed it on several Amazon threads — although they were all later deleted, we supposed at the request of Jim Perrin! We have said in several other posts: ‘Who but HE would care, or would be sufficiently interested, or would have the motive?’ — this surely must be so? — and to this day any attempt to post as ‘jacssisters’ is automatically blocked. Subsequently we decided to show those reviews on our own site in order to gain further coverage, and by writing our posts we have sought to expose the many lies that this deceitful man has written about our sister. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Emotional Cruelty
Jac believed what Jim Perrin told her… she was not aware of the truth — Part 2
Considering all we have discovered about Jim Perrin’s past relationships, it is interesting to note, after our sister died of cancer within nine months of her diagnosis, how quickly he was able to gain the support and loving sympathy of at least six other partners — up to the present — two within the year of Jac’s death. He claimed that he was himself now dying of the disease: they could hardly have missed this tragic coincidence… His account of the illness, ref. Jim Perrin diagnosed with Terminal Lung Cancer? and his patient suffering and acceptance as he dealt so bravely with his failing health! — together with his ‘history’ of past distress, the ‘lack of any real love or understanding’ — was to make him the irresistible subject for the ministrations of the sensitive women he seems opportunistically to have targeted (they were never without property and/or means) and with whom, in succession, he began A New Life. Continue reading
Jim Perrin’s libel-less libel
When the author Jan Morris reviewed ‘West:’ in IWA’s journal, AGENDA on 25/12/2010, she posed this question: ‘Is it good or bad to be proprioceptive?’ We replied to this review in a post of our own: ‘Our response to a review by Jan Morris.’ ‘The point ”proprioceptive” is most pertinent to our sister’s story. Jim Perrin has made cleverly libel-less statements in these passages. We know to whom he refers, as do others also. He knows that we know (as they say) and it is a serious matter which we will be writing about in a future post.’
This is the post:
Jim Perrin had written about our sister — with a reference to her former husband which was virtually libellous, and described, with an almost abnormally distasteful relish, injuries which he claimed she had received at his hands. He said: ‘a previous man in her life had beaten her savagely about the head, and her corrective balance was gone.’ And on page 220, describing an accident, he wrote: ‘she had fallen in the night at the flat where she was staying, had cracked her lumbar vertebra.’ He could not have known this — there was no medical examination. (See Jac’s accident to read his description of another accident which befell her.)