Tag Archives: Emotional Cruelty

Jim Perrin consults the I Ching

Letter 4:
‘Jac, when you and I were at Manchester house [our sister stayed there after she had damaged her ribs in a fall] we were happy together. When I sold it and moved to your house, and you began to re-engage with your former acquaintances and with your family, things started to go wrong. You say we had months of happiness. I didn’t. From moving in here or even before, I was under attack, the brunt of goads and discourtesies, taking veiled resentment from many quarters. People are only initially and superficially well-intentioned towards those who love each other. Learn that hard truth. After the initial glad acceptance their own agendas cut in with a vengeance. And have done. I will not take malicious and distorting gossip, or covert and selfish acting-out any more. Are you strong enough and committed enough to stand with me and put a stop to it?’

‘Weasel-worded support of that friend will not bring you your happiness again.’

(Our note:  This is a jealous reference to one of Jac’s best-loved friends — a friendship of over fifteen years and it is an added tragedy that she herself has now died of cancer.)

Jim Perrin then goes on:

‘The I Ching just told me: ”You are involved with cruel people intent on their mastery. This way will close for them. See this clearly and leave now. You will be caught in a flood of unfair insults and abuse that deeply anger you. This is not a mistake. Announce your decision. Be very clear and leave now.” ‘

‘You by denying time and time again the truth in what I say, give them ammunition. Don’t betray me any more.’… ‘How about returning that with some loyalty, some straight-forwardness, some insight into all the resentments and difficulties and concealed anger that has been precipitated in your family — and the ways in which, inevitably and from all quarters, I’ve born the brunt of that?  This is not paranoia on my part [only too true: it is ‘perrinoia’] — it’s how families operate, and I’ve seen it from near and far throughout my life.’

*       *       *       *       *

It seem so many of the sentences in these letters to our sister clearly exhibit the controlling mechanisms used by domineering dangerous cult leaders…

We have included the letters on our site so that readers may judge for themselves the author’s ‘talent’ as a writer, as an amateur psychologist and as a ‘friend and lover’, and to show actual evidence of his lack of care or consideration for our sister as she neared the end of her life. Apart from the details which we have already given — and will be giving — in our posts, we ask you to bear in mind that these letters were actually written to Jac during the last three weeks in January 2005, when she had gone to Yorkshire to find peace of mind.  (Ref. our post  Jac’sTemporary Escape).

We believe that they show startling examples of Jim Perrin’s ‘right-mindedness’ and that they reveal his astonishing hypocrisy. What in our opinion is even worse is that they resonate with deliberate mental cruelty.

Is it any wonder that our poor sister shook her head in disbelief on receipt of these letters?  What kind of man indeed could have written them?

Jac’s sisters.

Jim Perrin writes more of the same

Letter 3:

‘When it comes to this pass a relationship is in very serious trouble — and ours is — the tensions already present between us, have broken what we had into pieces.’

‘I find little comfort in your words, demeanour, responses — yet I know already, in making that plain observation, that the doors against me will now be shutting. It’s hopeless. What choice are we faced with now, given the impasse between us? Counselling? Concluding things and going our separate ways?’ ∼ ‘As to [her son] who has been a major point of difficulty for 18 months (you’ll deny this, come up with your random and inaccurate number of 6 meetings as though that explained away everything).’

Our note here: the paragraph which follows in this letter is far too vile to quote, containing much that is libellous and sexual pseudo-psychology. We move to the next:

‘So by extension, in your view I’m a liar, a fantasist, an inventor of stories, over cerebral. I’m none of these things.’  (It is apparent from his behaviour recorded in the posts on our site that Jim Perrin is ALL of these things!!) Continue reading

Jim Perrin writes to Jac again

Letter 2:

‘How to get out of this cycle of stress and recrimination?’ ∼ ‘We clearly have difficulties with each other and maybe we cannot resolve them.’ ∼ ‘I think we were in enough difficulty before Will’s death.’ ∼ ‘All the unresolved tensions have built up and collapsed on top of us.’ ∼ ‘This is necessarily from my side — it’s my view of things; my problems, and I am writing this down — as maybe I should have done months and months ago.’ ∼ ‘It was much more difficult.’ ∼ ‘When I moved in here I was shocked as well by the general chaos, self-centredness, destructiveness, that went on.’

‘I remember little incidents that could stand for many — and that is a recurrent theme in all of this.’ ∼ ‘Nobody else did very much at all to help in the everyday running of the house.’ ∼ ‘You were critical of me having that confab (with the boys) — you did not like it being done and accused me outright of hypocrisy.’ ∼ ‘I could go off at a tangent here — on the generally unhelpful outside intervention there has been in this situation, but to keep to the point, within the first month(s) of my being here, substantial problems had arisen between us which have been working through for over a year now, exacerbated by [her son’s name].’ ∼ ‘It has led to my becoming more and more angry and hence, unreasonable and hence, extreme in my vocabulary.’ ∼ ‘I see yet another instance of something serious going unaddressed, of evasion — and I rage against it. It’s a horrible mess Jac.’ Continue reading