As 2014 slips away we do thank all our readers for your support throughout the year; and here it is worth remembering that while the purpose of our site is to set the record straight on behalf of our sister, with no idea where the trails which we follow will lead, we had not realised that the details we post would resonate with others who have had the misfortune, as did Jac, to become involved with Jim Perrin. But, to our surprise, such has been the case. Therefore we are grateful to all who have helped us in so many ways; your comments, information, research and professional expertise have been invaluable—together, of course, with the all-important technical assistance without which, being completely technophobic, we would have no site at all.
Really it has been, as one of our followers recently suggested: ‘a combined effort,’ and we acknowledge and most warmly thank everyone who has chosen to contribute.
So: …we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas—and a Happy New Year.”
Jac’s sisters: Elisabeth Simpson, Caroline Hardaker and Alex Richardson.